Pale Fire

Pale Fire explained == WORK IN PROGRESS (last version: 07 August 2020) == Before starting this commentary on " Pale Fire ", I want to say that this will be a shorter work and that it will be more hypothetical than what I had wrote about " Lolita " ( READ HERE ) where there were a lot of rather obvious and convincing confirmations (notably, by acknowledging the similitudes and mirroring elements found in " The Life And letters of Lewis Carroll "). It will be a cursory work, in comparison. I also would like to apologize for my English, a language that is a foreign language to me. I'm reasonably confident that the exposed core of the subjacent hidden content is largely correct, but it's harder to prove in this case. I have to rely on the sagacity and perceptiveness on the reader to realize the harmony of the whole thing. " Pale Fire " is a novel by Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov (Let's remind it, a Russian autho...